


日本の桜の名所 Best10

日本の桜の名所 Best10

第1位青森県 弘前城・弘前公園
Hirosaki Castle, Hirosaki Park, Aomori Prefecture

  • 青森県弘前城・弘前公園

    Hirosaki Park is one of the most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Tohoku. Located in the center of Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, the vast site of the ruins of Hirosaki Castle is home to as many as 2,600 cherry trees. There are many picturesque sp ots, such as the Nishibori (west moat), where rows of cherry trees are reflected in the water, and the atmospheric vermilion lacquered Gejoubashi (bridge), which is also recommended for those who love taking pictures. The cherry blossoms at night are breat htakingly beautiful, as the area is one of the "100 best cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan" as well as one of the "three best nighttime cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan! The fantastic sight of the cherry blossoms lit up at night is breathtaking!

第2位奈良県 吉野山
Yoshinoyama, Nara Prefecture

  • 奈良県 吉野山

    Yoshinoyama in Nara Prefecture is one of the three most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan. The cherry trees that bloom on Yoshinoyama are mountain cherry trees called Shiroyama zakura. Many other cherry trees grow in clusters, and the total numb er of cherry trees is said to be as many as 30,000. When the cherry trees are in bloom, they are illuminated at night. The gentle atmosphere of the daytime is transformed into a somewhat bewitching one, and the entire mountain comes alive with cherry bloss oms.

第3位福島県 三春滝桜
Miharu Takizakura, Fukushima Prefecture

  • 福島県 三春滝桜

    The Miharutaki cherry tree located in Miharu cho, Tamura gun, Fukushima Prefecture, is a benishidare zakura (weeping cherry tree) of the Edohigan family. It is one of the three most famous cherry trees in Japan and is designated as a natural monument by th e Japanese government. It is said that the name "waterfall cherry blossom" comes from the fact that it looks like a waterfall when it is in full bloom. Although average in height at 13.5 meters,Miharu Takizakura is characterized by its thick branches that extend in all directions. The branches, which stretch 25 meters on either side, produce countless small blossoms that move the hearts of those who see them.

第4位東京都 千鳥ヶ淵と皇居周辺
Chidorigafuchi and Imperial Palace area, Tokyo

  • 東京都 千鳥ヶ淵と皇居周辺

    都内有数の桜の名所である千鳥ヶ淵。桜の季節ともなれば、例年お花見客で賑わいを見せます。千鳥ヶ淵の桜の大部分は「ソメイヨシノ」ですが、千鳥ヶ淵に植えられている桜は全部で4種類。その数実に1,000本以上の桜が、千鳥ヶ淵で咲き誇ります。 千鳥ヶ淵で最古の桜は、千鳥ヶ淵公園の向かいにある「英国大使館」の前に植えられたとされています。千鳥ヶ淵最古の桜が植えられたのは1881年なので、今から約150年前。1世紀以上も昔から、桜の名所の歴史は始まったのですね。 千鳥ヶ淵に現存する最古の桜は1955年頃に植えられたもので、樹齢は60年を超えています。この頃から数年に渡り、千鳥ヶ淵に植えられた多くの桜。1950年に開業した「千鳥ヶ淵ボート場」が殺風景だったというのが、千鳥ヶ淵に多くの桜を植えた理由だそうです。 千鳥ヶ淵と英国大使館に挟まれた「千鳥ヶ淵公園」。南北約450m、東西約20mの細長い緑地です。千鳥ヶ淵公園は、お花見客だけでなく仕事帰りのオフィスワーカーも訪れる人気のスポット。約170本の桜が植えられており、桜の名所になっています。 千鳥ヶ淵公園の桜で見逃せないのが、菜の花とのコラボレーション。桜のピンクと菜の花の黄色がお互いを引き立て、絶妙なコントラストを作り上げます。桜とともに菜の花も見頃を迎える春ならではの光景は、瞬きを忘れるほど。春をより一層味わえるスポットです。
    Chidorigafuchi is one of the most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Tokyo. When cherry blossom season comes, the area is usually crowded with cherry blossom viewers. Most of the cherry trees at Chidorigafuchi are Someiyoshino, but there are a total of four types of cherry trees planted at Chidorigafuchi. In total, more than 1,000 cher ry trees are in full bloom at Chidorigafuchi. The oldest cherry tree in Chidorigafuchi is said to have been planted in front of the British Embassy across from Chidorigafuchi Park. The oldest cherry tree in Chidorigafuchi was planted in 1881, about 150 yea rs ago, so the history of this famous cherry blossom viewing spot began more than a century ago. The oldest existing cherry tree at Chidorigafuchi was planted around 1955 and is over 60 years old. Many cherry trees were planted in Chidorigafuchi over the y ears since then; the reason for planting so many cherry trees in Chidorigafuchi was that the "Chidorigafuchi Boat Park," which opened in 1950, was a bleak sight. Chidorigafuchi Park is located between Chidorigafuchi and the British Embassy.It is a long, n arrow green space measuring approximately 450 m from north to south and 20m from east to west. Chidorigafuchi Park is a popular spot not only for cherry blossom viewing but also for office workers on their way home from work. Approximately 170 cherry tree s are planted in the park, making it a popular cherry blossom viewing spot. One thing you cannot miss about the cherry blossoms in Chidorigafuchi Park is the collaboration with rape blossoms.The pink of the cherry blossoms and the yellow of the rape bloss oms complement each other,creating an exquisite contrast. The sight is so unique in spring, when the rape blossoms are at their best along with the cherry blossoms, that you will forget how to blink. This is a spot where you can enjoy spring even more.

第5位長野県 高遠城址公園
Takato Joshi Park, Nagano Prefecture

  • 長野県 高遠城址公園

    昔から「天下第一の桜」と呼ばれ、その美しさを称えられてきたのが、長野県「高遠城址公園」の桜です。「タカトオコヒガンザクラ」といわれる全国的に見ても珍しい種で、ソメイヨシノと比べると、ピンク味を帯びた小さめの花を咲かせます。例年見頃を迎えるのは大体4月中旬。1,500本といわれる桜が一斉に咲き乱れ、桜吹雪となって潔く散っていく様は壮観です!その姿を観るためにたくさんの花見客がつめかけます。遥か遠方にアルプスの峰々を望みながらの桜は、まさに絶景。ここでしか見ることのできない光景が広がっていますよ。 4月中の「高遠さくらまつり」の期間中のみ、入園料が必要となります。
    The cherry trees in Takato Joshi Park in Nagano Prefecture have long been called "the best cherry trees in Japan" and praised for their beauty. The cherry blossoms are a rare species in Japan, called "Takato okohigan zakura," and have smaller, pinkish flow ers compared to someiyoshino. The best time to view the cherry blossoms is usually in mid April, when the 1,500 cherry trees bloom all at once and then fall in a spectacular snowstorm! Many cherry blossom viewers come to see the spectacle. The view of the cherry blossoms with the peaks of the Alps in the distance is truly spectacular. It is a spectacular sight that can only be seen here.
    Admission fee is required only during the "Takato Cherry Bloss om Festival" in April.

第6位秋田県 角館武家屋敷通り
Kakunodate Buke Yashiki Street, Akita Prefecture

  • 秋田県 角館武家屋敷通り

    Kakunodate in Senboku City, Akita Prefecture, is a town of samurai residences and is a picturesque place no matter what time of year you visit: cherry blossoms in spring, fresh greenery in summer, autumn leaves in fall, and snowy scenery in winter. Among t hem, the cherry blossom season attracts many visitors, who are sure to be enchanted by the spectacular view! The cherry blossoms near the samurai residences in Kakunodate are weeping cherry trees, small pink blossoms that seem to fall from above like willo ws, and the black walls make them look even more beautiful! The Hinokinai River is lined with someiyoshino cherry trees,and many food stalls are set up nearby.


第7位東京都 上野恩賜公園
Ueno Onshi Park, Tokyo

  • 東京都 上野恩賜公園  

    The mountains of Ueno have been known as a "cherry blossom viewing spot" since the Edo period. A total of nearly 3.3 million people visit during the cherry blossom viewing season. In spring, visitors can enjoy the early spring cherry blossoms, followed by azaleas and satsuki,lotus flowers spreading over the entire Shinobazuno Pond in summer, and trees turning red in autumn. In Ueno Onshi Koen, about 800 cherry trees of about 50 varieties, including Someiyoshino cherry trees, can be seen every year. The entire park is covered with cherry blossoms, creating a spectacular view! The view of cherry blossoms fluttering down is truly beautiful, so please enjoy the tunnel of cherry blossoms while walking slo wly.

第8位静岡県 伊豆河津町河津桜(早咲きの桜)
Kawazu Cherry Blossoms (early blooming cherry blossoms), Izu Kawazucho, Shizuoka Prefecture

  • 静岡県 伊豆河津町河津桜(早咲きの桜)  

    Kawazuzakura is an early blooming cherry tree that begins to bloom in early February and was discovered in Kawazu cho in 1955. Taking advantage of Izu's mild climate and early blooming characteristics, they come into full bloom after about a month. Usuall y, the blooming season is from early February to early March. Since the period of full bloom lasts from about one week to 10 days, it is recommended to check the blooming information right up to the last minute. Even if the cherry trees are not in full blo om, you will be satisfied with viewing Kawazu zakura when they are at least five to six minutes in bloom.


第9位大阪府 造幣局「桜の通り抜け」
Mint Bureau "Cherry Blossom Passage", Osaka

  • 大阪府 造幣局「桜の通り抜け」  

    One of Osaka's seasonal cherry blossom festivals that should not be forgotten is the "Cherry Blossom Passage" at the Mint Bureau. Every year, a 560 meter long street from the south gate of the Mint Bureau along the Okawa River is open to the public for a w eek for cherry blossom viewing. Visitors pass through the cherry blossoms swaying in the breeze. Haiku and willow poems submitted by the public are hung as strips of paper on the cherry trees and displayed during the next year's cherry blossom passage. It is a very elegant spot where visitors can not only admire the cherry blossoms, but also enjoy viewing the cherry blossoms while reading these haiku. Every year, the "flower of the year" is chosen from among the many cherry trees.


第10位山梨県 富士吉田市の新倉富士浅間神社
10. Niikura Fuji Sengen Shrine in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture

  • 山梨県 富士吉田市の新倉富士浅間神社  

    Yamanashi during the cherry blossom season is exceptional. Among the many cherry blossom viewing spots, such as cherry blossoms designated as natural treasures and rows of cherry trees along the lakeside, the observation deck at Niikura Sengen Park is a mu st see spot for its spectacular collaboration of "Mt. Fuji Sengen Shrine at the foot of Mt. Niikura, climb up the 398 steps of the Sakuya Hime staircase, and enjoy the view from the observation deck,which was renovated on February 1, 2022. You can also fu lly enjoy the day by hiking along the Niikurayama Nature Trail. In addition to the cherry blossoms, the park also offers a spectacular seasonal collaboration with the autumn leaves in fall and the snow capped Mt.